Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grgrgr , blah blah blah x(

Seriuslyy saya penat ! Penat menjage perasaan / hati orang lainn grgrgr !!

Start form today , i'm not part of your life okie !!!

1. There so many reasons.
2. There so many excuses.
3. There so many complicated thing.
4. Hypocrite.
5. Backstabber.
6. Etc etc etc.

 I'm not even perfect , i'm just a human being that has a heart and feeling. Please respect that! 

p/s : You can talkk about everthing behind my backk, only GOD knows the bestt. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Suke suki

Sigh* selesai sudah giliran Operation Restaurant my group :)

Very satisfy even though ade yang agak meyakitkan hati tapi thanks to all my class mate laa. And to all the customer veryy-2 sorryy sebab keadaan yang panas (air-cond rosakk maa) tak boleh nak buat ape-2 kekeke. Skali skala wink-2 ;) And tak dilupekan RPI aka Rakan Pusat Islam kerana membenarkan kami meminjam kipas, sanggup tau! Boleh. Sangat-2 berterima kasih, :)


Thanks to my daddy && mummy because buy me a new phone. MY FAV PHONE! :) Like-2 like. <3

Love youu mummy && daddyy :) Shaye akan menjagenye dengan baikk.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Outing with my SAYANG,

Today damn tired-2 tired! But it's worth it :D

Perjumpaan bersame-2 kawan lameku, sangat rindu oke!

    Walaupun tak cukup sebab yang lain tade tp sangat berbaloi-2 :P Hehehe

Thanks to my girls. Nurul , Eyka , Zie && Intan :) Love youu all so much.
And to Qeera && Atie & Aien & Mylia, rindu korg tp tade rezeki nak jumpe tadi :( Nanti mesti jumpe oke sygg. 

So this is for our memories together 3/2/2011 :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Khurafat. Grgrgr*

Watching KHURAFAT with mummy. 
   Scaryy weyh! I close my eyes all the time and my mum scream like crazzy. Like a scream queen show cast tuh. Kekeke :P

Mummy! U sleep with me tonight aite.  However, the story was oussumm! Seriously, congratz Syamsul Yusoff for the great film. :D